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Counselling in West Dorset, In Person, by Telephone and Online
Call Ian: 07551 479354
Call Helen: 07970 567357

Is positive thinking making you sad?
When working with clients it is not unusual to encounter people struggling with feelings of failure in response to events over which they...

Charlie's Angels, not quite.
We thought it might be a good idea to supplement our advertising with a group photo but things went a little off course. So, lured by the...

Do we really all have millennial burnout?
The BBC recently has been exploring a phenomena it has called Millennial Burnout and today has run an article with reader's contributions...
Phobia I recently read this really interesting article describing...
Narcissists. Are they what you think?
Narcissism has become a buzz word recently. This article seeks to explain a little more about it and debunks a few myths. Have you ever...
The Psychology of Halloween!
Why do we love scaring ourselves so much??
Loneliness can become a trap
You may have seen the results of the BBC Loneliness Survey. they make interesting reading. I was struck by three of the findings in...
Personality Types - are there really just four?
You may have seen news stories about recent research on personality types (e.g. BBC News, 18th September, 2018) which has looked at...
Going live, but where to sit?
Our website is going live today and we aim to be taking bookings for week commencing the 24th September 2018. Chairs are on order and by...
The Grand Opening
We are about a month away from taking possession of our Weymouth office. There will then be a short hiatus whilst we argue about...
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